Update to previous post with regard to Treasurer position

Due to a misunderstanding the post of treasurer was previously reported as needing to be filled by November 2019. This is not the case and Julie Weeks will not now be standing down until next year and therefore the DA will need to fill this position by November 2020. Should you be interested in filling this post Julie will be more than happy to discuss the role with you. Her contact details are shown in the information section of this site under 2019 committee.

A message from Anne Dearling Secretary, South West Region Council

Hi As you may, by now, know, Allan and Lesley Major, Michael and myself are arranging the Summer Meet for 2020.  It will take place over the weekend of 10/12th July and the site will open on Thursday 8th.  It will be held at Higher Listock Farm, Wrantage, Somerset TA3 6DP.  The theme for the weekend is ‘A weekend at Royal Ascot’.  We are planning a weekend that is very different.  We would like pennon designs of 2 colours on a background to reach me no later than 1st October.  I am sure you all have someone in your DA/Section who is very clever artistically and we would like plenty of designs to choose from. Please could I ask you to advertise the event at your meets and to mention the Pennon Design competition at your flagpoles.

Whilst writing I would also like to advise you of a change to the South West Region Annual General Meeting.  Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to move the date to 2nd May 2020.  It will be held at Minehead Rugby Club, Ellicombe Lane, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6TR at 2p.m.  It will be followed by the first ever South West Region Spring Ball at 6.30p.m. for 7p.m.  The Spring Ball will be £15 per head and there is camping at the Rugby Club at £8.50 per night from April 30th until 4th May.  A Booking Form is available here…. Kind regards Anne Dearling Secretary. South West Region Council.

PRO at Work

Lord Mayors day in Plymouth on Saturday 2 May saw Chris Williams and her intrepid PRO team working hard to raise awareness of the Camping and Caravanning club and Tamar DA.

A lot of interest was shown and as can be seen by the photos in the gallery the Mayor and some other characters were happy to pose for pictures.